A Step-by-Step Guide to Winning Directive Danger in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Have you ever wanted to invite EVE to become a permanent villager in your Valley in Disney Dreamlight Valley? Look no further! We are here to guide you on how to complete Directive Danger, a DLC quest from Rift In Time that enables you to do exactly that. EVE is feeling uneasy on Eternity Isle, which is quite expected considering the series of events on the island. This quest comes with prerequisites like completing some of the main story quests on Eternity Isle, particularly those involving Glittering Dunes and Wild Tangle biomes.

Prerequisites for Starting Directive Danger


The journey to bring together Wall-E and EVE begins with owning and installing the A Rift in Time DLC. As per an in-game requirement, before starting the Directive Danger quest, the player will need to complete a series of preliminary tasks and meet EVE initially. These tasks lay the groundwork for the Directive Danger quest.

Speaking to EVE

Initiating a conversation with EVE is the first step. During the talk, you can pick any conversational option when they appear. The goal is to convince EVE that Eternity Isle is safe. To do this, put your in-game camera in selfie mode and start capturing potential dangers in The Docks. Ensure the subject of the photo is clearly seen before hitting 'Capture'. Here are some specific locations to cover:

  • The area has three wells on the upper level of the Docks, with a tall tree with lanterns in view.
  • The boat is at the small pier on the ground level of The Docks, located south of Goofy's Stall.
  • The face on the gate wall links the upper level, The Docks, with The Courtyard in Ancient Landing.
  • A waterlogged area at the west side of The Docks, specifically a doorway half submerged between two large waterfalls.

Wrapping up the Quest

eve game screen

After these images, EVE provides further clues for six more photographs to be taken across Eternity Isle, particularly in Glittering Dunes and Wild Tangle. This part of the journey underlines the importance of completing the Sands in the Hourglass quest first to unlock these biomes. Once all photos are gathered and shared with EVE, the quest wraps up, and EVE becomes a part of your Valley.

Further Character Invitations and Villager Management

Post completion of the Directive Danger quest, if you wish to invite more characters like Jack Skellington on your main island, do check out our other specific guides. Also, we have detailed content on how to manage villagers effectively when your valley starts getting crowded.

Following this guide step by step will ensure you successfully complete Directive Danger in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Enjoy the journey along, and may your Valley flourish with the new addition!

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