Analyzing Hero Popularity and Performance in Deadlock's Closed Beta Phase

The evolution of Deadlock's heroes is becoming clearer as player statistics emerge from its closed beta phase. These insights shed light on the dynamics of character selection and performance, providing an idea of the game's competitive landscape.

Data from Tracklock reveals that Seven leads the pack, boasting over two and a half million matches played, a remarkable pick rate of 92%, and a win rate sitting at 57%. The combination of this character's robust abilities and their accessibility has prompted recent adjustments to balance gameplay.

Other noteworthy contenders in this MOBA/third-person shooter universe include Haze, Lady Geist, McGinnis, and Warden, with Haze occupying the second spot, nearing two and a half million matches. Meanwhile, the remaining heroes trail significantly in popularity.

Conversely, characters like Grey Talon, Paradox, Vindicta, Viscous, and Yamato find themselves at the bottom of the popularity chart. Many of these, especially Viscous and Yamato, are deemed challenging for newcomers. However, their potent capabilities might see them gain traction as additional players delve into the game and invest time into mastering them.

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