How to Keep Wyll and Recruit Minthara in Baldur's Gate 3: A Cunning Strategy

A cunning player of Baldur's Gate 3 has found a way to retain Wyll even after attacking the Grove, by simply ensuring his demise at your hands. An audacious player of Baldur's Gate 3 uncovered a technique to maintain Wyll as an ally whilst aiding Minthara in her assault on the Grove.

My affection for Wyll is just as strong as my fondness for Minthara. However, only Minthara harbors a passion for assaulting the Grove and eliminating defenseless Tieflings. If you choose to inform Minthara of the Grove's location, thereby allowing her to later accompany you, you must part ways with Wyll. He leaves you, repulsed by your role in the demise of many innocents at Minthara's behest. Frankly, given the circumstances, his disapproval seems quite justified.

Nevertheless, Minthara emerges as an exceedingly valuable companion within Baldur's Gate 3, quietly standing out. This led players to brainstorm strategies that would let Minthara join their ranks without losing cherished allies like Karlach and Wyll, who would typically desert you. Now, a player has revealed a clever tactic below to keep Wyll in tow, though it necessitates his elimination.

Initially, you must abscond with the Idol from the Grove, triggering a sequence where the wizards, rather than Minthara, decimate the Tieflings. Afterward, disclose the Grove's whereabouts to Minthara and enjoy a peaceful Long Rest. Proceed to the Grove to discover the Tieflings have been eradicated and Minthara has conducted her raid without your presence.

Regrettably, you must then eliminate Wyll, and subsequently engage Minthara to kickstart the grand Goblin celebration. Reviving Wyll post-festivities should, in theory, lead him to rejoin your party willingly. It seems his demise has caused him to lose memory of your involvement in the Tieflings' downfall and your betrayal by revealing the Grove to Minthara.

If this strategy proves successful, then it's a moment for celebration. The strategy's innovator mentioned that this approach might also be applicable to Karlach, though they had already severed the Tiefling warrior's head in their game. Such are the decisions made.

Reflecting on the RPG's acclaim, the owner of Baldur's Gate 3, Hasbro, stated, "The public has a profound appreciation for an excellently crafted D&D game."

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